RT'S  ADA Paratransit  Customer Service Form


If you would like to submit a concern, suggestion, complaint or commendation about RT's ADA paratransit service,  please fill out the information below. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this submission, please contact RT's Accessible Service's department
at 916-557-4685 or e-mail at paratransit@sacrt.com.



* required field.
Contact Information  Enter your contact information.
Your name*
First Name Last Name
Your address*
Zip/Postal code*
Email Address*
Contact Phone Number* Use numbers only (2141234567)
Contact Type Home Work Cell
Fax-Number (Optional)
Do you want to be contacted?

Ride Information  Enter your ride detail and relative narrative.
Date and time of incident *
(If there is no specific date, please use today's date)

Description of  Operator

(male, female, badge #)

 Location  of  Occurence

Briefly describe the situation you would like to report:

(please limit to 2000 characters)






  Sacramento Regional Transit District